Rajasthan has become the largest state of the Indian Republic.
The constituent states of the Republic lost their freedom, independence, and sovereignty by being totally subordinated to the central government.
Uttaranchal is the 27th state of the Republic of India.
Rajasthan - largest state of the Republic of India by area.
Maharashtra is: an Indian state, a state of the Republic of India.
He is best known as the first head of state of the Second Republic, after the collapse of the July Monarchy.
West Bengal is: an Indian state, a state of the Republic of India.
In 1946 he became the general secretary of state of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.
I was sent here by personal appointment of Oscar Saint-Just, then head of state of the Republic.
Ngaraard is the eighth state of the Republic of Palau, and was originally named Kerradel.