I am pleased that you have come this far, although the state of your heart is bringing you no peace at the moment.
He, perhaps, will be more able to describe to you, nearly at least, the torturing state of my poor heart & soul.
Take this quiz to learn about some common cholesterol misconceptions, and get ready to improve the state of your heart.
The true state of his heart was quickly discovered, and a separation, by mutual consent, took place.
'It was not logic which carried me on,' wrote Newman, but 'the state of my heart'.
All of which was an indicator of the confused state of her heart and.
Throughout the novel the author will let you know his thoughts about the state of man's heart.
My daughter Lucie is, in this one respect, such a mystery to me; I can make no guess at the state of her heart.
She could do nothing about the state of her heart, but she wouldn't mope, today of all days.
She often chatted with Passepartout, who did not fail to perceive the state of the lady's heart.