This didn't stop the Communists from claiming Burns as one of their own and incorporating his work into their state propaganda.
Expanding dimensions of state propaganda, the Bolsheviks actively used transportation such as trains, aircraft and other means.
Under Mr. Hussein, political cartoons appeared, but they amounted to little more than state propaganda.
But amid the threats, the denials and the stock phrases of state propaganda, the Serbs show a desire for normality.
The lives of the students disappeared within the state propaganda, and very soon everybody will forget everything.
Several of Lê Duẩn's relatives were appointed to the state propaganda and cultural sector.
Not surprisingly, it is highly welcomed for its contribution to establishing the images required for state propaganda.
In the former Soviet Union, the state controlled the airwaves, and they were filled with state propaganda.
By the late 19th century pseudo-medieval symbols were the currency of European monarchical state propaganda.
So no, the state propaganda could not be entirely true, could it?