But critics say that neither the states nor their customers have reaped the extensive windfalls they were promised.
Many farmers are forced to produce cotton but the state reap the profits for exporting it.
The benefits the state reaps from the death penalty remain debatable.
As a result, the states will reap an unexpectedly large windfall.
A fundamental measure that lottery directors look at is the net per capita revenues their states reap each year.
Even by the most modest accounting, state and county officials have estimated that the state could reap more than $140 million annually in these increased fees.
But as long as there is no Federal budget, the state cannot reap those savings.
The state reaps a windfall in television revenue, and the trash ends up back in New York where it came from.
And others say the state would reap eternal shame by despoiling the Arctic refuge.
In addition, cities and states reaped substantial tax revenues, and so did the Federal Government.