If victorious, society and state should gradually recover control over Colombia's institutions.
A. In 1789 there was a shotgun marriage between the two, and the state has never quite recovered from it.
By December the state was recovering more quickly than originally expected.
Some west African states are still recovering from civil war.
Thus the state recovered mineral rights in areas such as school and sections.
But he said that did not create a legal theory under which the state could recover money.
If an owner sells in the first five years, the state can recover the $30,000-a-unit grant.
In many ways, the state has never quite recovered from the hard days of the early 1990's.
The Schwarzenegger proposal assumes the state will recover around 75 percent of that.
Despite a strong economy and low unemployment, the state still has not recovered all of the jobs it lost during the recession earlier this decade.