Unfortunately, the new and impoverished Norwegian state reverted to the numeric census from 1815 to 1855, but decennial nominative censuses have been taken since 1865.
That was eventually overtaken by the peppier "Better Yet, Connecticut," but the state later reverted to the more dignified "Classic Connecticut."
If the state reverts to the rate at which it was taking parole violators in July, the population could rise by 300 to 500 inmates "within a matter of weeks," Mr. Koehler said.
The panel recommended that the state revert to a policy that existed before 1990 in handling the cases of newborns who tests show have been exposed to illegal drugs.
From millions, states will revert to armies of hundreds of thousands.
I haven't much time'left, Jerome thought, realizing that the very fact he could think it proved how swiftly his mental state was reverting to normal.
Last September, however, the state reverted to the old policy.
Either the state will revert to a natural grassland, have a future similar to its past, or come to grips with the "too-much-mistake" and rationally control government and the advantages of new technology.
Several states immediately reverted to already existing laws.
In early models, the state reverted to off at each reboot or keyboard reset, but later models retained F-Lock state across reboots.