However, an author would be permitted to write a sentence such as "NCI's PDQ cancer information summary about breast cancer prevention states the risks succinctly: [include excerpt from the summary]."
Asked what they wanted from direct-to-consumer drug advertising, the consumers responding to the survey most often said (84 percent) they wanted the ads to clearly state all the risks associated with the medicine.
How lazy and disingenuous of you to avoid stating the actual risks which, as other posters reveal here, are tiny.
She also said that the ad clearly stated the gastrointestinal risks of Celebrex, while Dr. Wolfe suggested that those risks were played down.
Greg Johnson, the head of marketing at Franklin/Templeton, said that Franklin's sales brochures and prospectus clearly stated the risks, and that investors in the fund had not lost principal when dividend payments were factored in.
Judge Alfredo Marquez oversaw the case in court stated the "risks of irreparable injury to the endangered red squirrels which live on the site" violated the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.
The report before us states that the financing risks are divided into political and economic risks, and that the EU guarantees only the political risks.
"Perhaps even the existence of the Refugia," he added, "could bring home to people and states the gigantic risks they run and thus alter the behavior itself."