For example, in some predominately market-oriented and mixed economies, the state utilizes economic planning in strategic industries such as the aerospace industry.
The state utilised its bureaucratic capacities to undertake numerous economic tasks: collecting more taxes, building infrastructure, and undertaking production directly.
In addition, Muslim states today utilize a spectrum of legal systems.
The state utilized prison labor once again and completed this phase of construction in 1959.
I encourage the state, town officials and nonprofits to utilize every possible resource to make their vision a reality.
The Marxist-Leninist state utilizes a state socialist economy, based on scientific planning and democratic consensus.
By 1911 more than half the states were utilizing some element of popular election in the selection of senators.
The state of the art police station is utilizes green technologies to make it energy efficient and thus reducing energy costs.
The state of Greece must utilise the crisis to bring about real reforms.
- The state of the art digital microprocessor design utilizes high-frequency sampling of both voltage and current measurements for true power.