The state could waive for that person the fee for a driver's license or some other tax that affects poor and rich alike.
Most states waive that requirement for experienced out-of-state lawyers in good standing.
Emergency clearing houses have been set up to help them find jobs, and the state has waived the seven-day waiting period for unemployment benefits.
Also, the state will waive $1.2 million in sales taxes that Nine West would otherwise pay for goods and services it buys.
Even where states waive their sovereign immunity, they may nonetheless have their own rules limiting standing against simple taxpayer standing against the state.
However, several states will waive this requirement if there is a pregnancy.
He added that the state had waived its standard fee of $1 a cubic yard for excavating its land underwater out to three miles.
Most states that have mercy rules waive this rule for the championship game.
But Florida and most other states have either waived immunity to allow lawsuits against agencies or limited damages.
Under certain conditions, with approval from the National Health Board, a state may waive the requirement for each alliance to offer a fee-for-service health plan.