This marked the second time in a year that the Finance Ministry, which is eager to sell off state-controlled industries, had unsettled the market with its listing methods.
For one thing, Mr. Kuchma's economic program has balked at basic reforms like selling off big state-controlled industries.
It is clear from a candid look at the store that Syria's state-controlled industry is in crisis.
Economic liberalization in Syria has been limited, with industry still heavily state-controlled.
Should China not meet these conditions, tariffs would be increased on exports from its state-controlled industries.
Productivity would be stimulated through introduction of a large measure of self-management and self-financing into state-controlled industries.
The Civic Union claims to represent managers of Russia's state-controlled industries, which this year have seen a sharp drop in production.
The high-level introduction of men associated with state-controlled industry stirred speculation that Mr. Gaidar's hand had been weakened.
The Bank also called for hastening the closing of bankrupt state-controlled industries.
There are serious domestic problems, ranging from a 60 percent inflation rate and large, inefficient state-controlled industries, to continuing friction with the Kurdish minority in southeastern Turkey.