It was a suburban Shangri-La created by corporate colonialism, its showpiece a state-of-the-art public hospital that drew patients from hundreds of miles around.
The governmental hospital is located at Independence Drive in Banjul and is with over 540 beds as the biggest state-of-the-art hospital.
Recently, St. Clare's Hospital completed a $40 million renovation, creating a state-of-the-art hospital staffed by highly qualified health care professionals.
FINAL preparations are taking place today for the transfer of 100 patients to a new state-of-the-art hospital.
Novant Health Brunswick Medical Center is a brand new, state-of-the-art hospital that opened in July 2011.
Manhattan Psychiatric Center's state-of-the-art forensic hospital.
There is a state-of-the-art hospital, housed in a network of tents and prefabricated units but with equipment superior to anything in any other medical center in Kosovo.
Military Medical Academy is state-of-the-art military hospital found in Belgrade.
It has a strong medical corps and a state-of-the-art flying hospital, and more troops deployed overseas than any other country besides the United States.
"Jabilo, I groomed you to run a state-of-the-art hospital, and you want to be a sawbones on a starship?"