To some degree the skittishness stems from uncertainty about Italy's plans to privatize the state-owned economy, which will be the main task of the next government.
Of the five remaining socialist states in the world, North Korea is one of only two (along with Cuba) with an entirely government-planned, state-owned economy.
The delay in selling off Czechoslovakia's state-owned economy was delayed until last weekend by parliamentary indecision.
New opportunities for Yeltsin's circle and other entrepreneurs to seize former state property were created, thus restructuring the old state-owned economy within a few months.
North Korea and Cuba are the only two states with an almost entirely government-planned, state-owned economy.
Perestroika depends on decentralizing the state-owned economy, and, as Gorbachev has realized, to do that he has to decentralize the political system as well.
The government wanted to force key segments of the state-owned economy to pay their own way and, if possible, to show a profit.
A thriving pseudo-capitalist shadow economy emerged alongside the official state-owned economy.
It all depends on Russia's program to put the state-owned economy into the hands, however inexperienced, of its citizens.
The Soviet Parliament gave Gorbachev a mandate to speed the dismantling of the state-owned economy.