Thousands of unpaid miners blocked a rail line in Jishu, in Jilin Province, vowing not to leave without three years' back pay owed them by state-owned mines.
Then it set up the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (Corporación Minera de Bolivia, Comibol) as a semi-autonomous enterprise to run state-owned mines.
In the same month, the Government announced that the largest state-owned mine in Mexico would be allowed to go bankrupt.
In March 1984 the National Coal Board (NCB) proposed to close 20 of the 174 state-owned mines and cut 20,000 jobs out of 187,000.
The explosion occurred at 7 a.m. in the Chenjiashan Coal Mine, a state-owned mine in Shaanxi Province, said the official New China News Agency.
Instead of receiving the death penalty, Christians would now be mutilated and condemned to labor in state-owned mines.
Kosovar Albanians who live near the state-owned mine say bodies were brought to the mine in covered trucks escorted by Serbian jeeps and troop carriers.
Meanwhile, redundant miners who lost their jobs when the state-owned mines were closed are moving into the forest in increasing numbers to set up farms.
Ashanti, a formerly state-owned mine that was privatized last May, has taken off in Ghana under the management of Lonrho, the operation's largest shareholder.
The Prussian king rejected the plan of Oppenheim and Bleichröder, advocated by Bismarck, to finance the war by privatizing state-owned mines in the Saar.