The means of production are owned by the state through state-run enterprises and collectivized farms.
President Moscoso has said she will not privatize any more state-run enterprises, though few remain.
A state-run enterprise needs to be distinguished from an ordinary limited liability corporation owned by the state.
In recent years this early focus on heavy industry has become a liability, as many of the large state-run enterprises have experienced economic difficulties.
Today he is working closely with the state-run enterprises that grew up after his family left.
The effect is to shore up socialist bastions in the economy: central control and state-run enterprises.
Overstaffing in state-run enterprises is seen as another major problem which needs to be dealt with.
There is a prejudice against filling posts with people who managed state-run enterprises under Communist rule.
Government departments and state-run enterprises send another 5,000 abroad.
People could then use the vouchers to acquire stock in the companies of their choice once state-run enterprises are privatized.