Communicating about complex systems from the point of view of stakeholders helps them understand the consequences of their stated requirements and the design decisions based on them.
Adhering to the stated requirements of the new in-laws is a show of respect from the new son-in-law.
Even users that met the stated requirements could encounter trouble-clicking the main "click here" link routinely crashed some user's IE 5.5 browsers.
Before the spring 2004 integration with its parent site,, users that did not meet the stated requirements couldn't even access static content such as press releases.
Analyzing requirements: determining whether the stated requirements are clear, complete, consistent and unambiguous, and resolving any apparent conflicts.
Compliance means conforming with stated requirements.
So the supply chain offers building assets through estimated performance which should fulfill stated requirements.
At the end of a project, this matrix shows each function built into a system, its source, and the reason that any stated requirements may not have been delivered.
It must also be possible for every country that wishes to do so and that fulfils the stated requirements to become a Member of the EU.
While most of the diners stick to their stated requirements, some are not so steadfast.