Gong Li, also the star of "Ju Dou" and Mr. Zhang's "Red Sorghum," is a stunningly handsome actress of strong, stately bearing.
The heavy cowl that covered his head cast a shadow on his face, but Akhanatos recognized the stately bearing of Master Kierad@an.
He had known she was a woman, but he wasn't expecting either her youth - she couldn't be more than thirty-five - or her stately bearing.
Something in her stately bearing, in the sway of her walk, reminded him of his ex-wife, Malou.
His empathy, dignity under fire, and tall, stately bearing replaced the plump man in jogging shorts in our collective consciousness.
He was called "Duke Wharton", because of his stately bearing.
Despite his stately bearing, Zahanzei still seemed to possess a vulnerability held only barely in check by the need to carry out the duties of his office for the benefit of those he governed.
On television, Mr. Browne often played high-brow characters because of his distinctive voice and stately bearing.
For most of that time, Mr. Bradley was an immensely popular figure whose stately bearing and placid demeanor seemed to reassure his increasingly polyglot city.
The taller of the pair stood well over six feet in height, a leonine, virile man in a blue suit who radiated authority and walked with a stately bearing.