And then the stately grace of the clean, delicately - granulated columnar stems, the largest four feet in diameter, at twenty from the ground.
The rest of the procession moved in stately grace behind these principals.
But then the white ensign shivered and moved down and then up with stately grace.
"Good night," I answered, watching her weary old figure move from my room with stately grace.
Claudius moved carefully, doggedly, lacking anything like stately grace as he led the procession into the great Circus.
Moving with stately grace on long stilt-like legs, a tall white bird came stalking across the cabin.
They watched her bow and curtsy to the ebb with a stately grace, and then Hal spoke again.
The figures moved forward with stately grace.
She wandered to the stairway, ascended with stately grace.
She started off without waiting for a reply, without looking back, gliding along with a stately grace.