It coalesced into human form, becoming a stately woman.
She is a handsome, stately woman with well-coiffed reddish-brown hair.
A stately old woman sat in a chair beside the window, reading a book.
"I know that you meant to return the tapestry," the stately older woman said.
Ms. Smith, a stately and friendly woman, spent more than nine months interviewing about 175 people with her tape recorder.
A stately woman walked through the silent crowd, balancing a big cotton bundle on her head.
In the midst, straight before me, stood a stately woman, with a slave holding a sunshade over her head.
During the Romantic Period, she was portrayed as a stately, calm woman.
The stately black woman laid a space-gloved hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
Even sitting down she was tall, a stately, striking woman with copper red hair and large blue eyes.