The statement also cited "other factors" but did not elaborate.
The statement cited four programs that should be expanded but gave no hint about how much.
The statement also cited the "general insecurity" in the country, but said that elections would take place "within a month or two".
As an example, the statement cited flights to attend to the serious illness of a close relative.
A statement from the military cited "recent improvements in security and the reduction of crime" as the reason for the easing.
Later, another statement that said explosions were improbable cited a report by a contractor.
His official statement cited poor fundraising and the lack of significant media attention among his reasons.
The statement cited "a failure to reach a contractual agreement" as the reason for his departure.
A statement from the network cites disappointing ratings as the primary reason for the cancellation.
Later, the White House issued a statement citing a number of examples dating to 1970.