On June 18, 2009, the United States Senate issued an apologetic statement decrying the "fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery".
In other words, Senator Lieberman bowed to political expediency, getting air time for his statements decrying the president while his vote defended Mr. Clinton's actions.
His predecessor, Sergio Vieira de Mello, ended his brief tour in office by issuing a statement decrying Kosovo's postwar slide toward chaos despite the presence of more than 32,000 NATO peacekeeping troops.
It is significant that your example of high-tech use of customary units is the space station, while the statement decrying the slow speed of metrication comes from an official of the American Automobile Manufacturing Association.
Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) sought to balance Senator Lindsey Graham's selected anonymous statements decrying about Sotomayor's temperament, by reading positive reviews from fellow lawyers and judges.
But what's at least as infuriating are politicians' statements - more than four years later - decrying the "outrageous" conduct of the Environmental Protection Agency and the federal government in providing information about air quality in Lower Manhattan.
In light of the "Hollywood Ten"'s defiance of HUAC-in addition to refusing to testify, many had attempted to read statements decrying the committee's investigation as unconstitutional-political pressure mounted on the film industry to demonstrate its "anti-subversive" bona fides.
The Heidelberg Appeal, authored by Michel Salomon and signed by a large number of scientists, is a statement decrying "an irrational ideology which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress, and impedes economic and social development."
Following this June 2007 concert, the Croatian government released a statement decrying the use of Ustaša symbols.
He made a public statement decrying these accusations shortly thereafter, saying: