The individualized statements disclose that, absent a change in the law, only a portion of the benefits estimated may be payable.
An approximate statement of affairs prepared for a creditors' meeting disclosed loans and advances over £40 million.
The archbishop's statement disclosed that the abbot actually resigned in July.
A 1986 financial statement disclosed more than $13 million in 170 trusts.
The statement did not disclose details of his meeting with Mrs. Cooke.
That statement, we now conclude, discloses the Court's own failure to appreciate the extent of the liberty at stake.
The statement also disclosed that seven lawsuits had been filed against the bank challenging its offering.
The court held on demurrer that the statement of claim disclosed no cause of action.
No, even that statement didn't disclose the full truth.
The statement did not disclose how much of the private company's stock would be held by employees.