James flatly told them not to interfere in matters of royal prerogative or they would risk punishment, which provoked them into issuing a statement protesting their rights, including freedom of speech.
While the captors made no political demands, they reportedly read a brief statement protesting a recent spate of police brutality before referring to a cache of grenades and anthrax.
The Americans at the meeting had prepared a statement protesting the police disruption of a similar seminar on Friday and the detention of 20 Czechoslovaks for seven hours.
His reporters and editors rebelled, issuing a public statement protesting his "very deliberate and blatant bias in the presentation of news."
Just hours before Sihanouk appointed the country's new leaders, the Khmer Rouge issued a statement protesting against giving Mr. Hun Sen so much power.
Ten of the jurors signed a statement protesting the charge that they had been unduly influenced.
Soon others like the artists Larry Rivers and Mark Rothko and the writer John Hersey either declined to appear or demanded to read statements protesting the war.
Scientists from Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley have issued a statement protesting the White House's abuse of of science in environmental policymaking.
In 1959 he was a signatory to the Antipodean Manifesto, a statement protesting the dominance of abstract expressionism.
The Foreign Ministry issued a statement protesting penalties imposed by the United States on nine Chinese companies accused of selling equipment with possible military applications to Iran.