The statement welcomed the American and Soviet call to a conference but attached five demands.
The explanatory statement for this report welcomes the drop in unemployment at European level.
Google issued a statement welcoming its employee's release, without commenting on his political role.
Viscarra and other leading citizens hastily prepared a statement welcoming the return of the Congress.
The statement concluded by saying the agency "welcomes an inquiry by the intelligence committees in Congress on this matter."
Upon being woken at 4am with the news, Nick Clegg releases a statement welcoming the socialist candidate's victory.
Singapore later issued a statement welcoming Mr. Koizumi's apology.
The statement also welcomed the announcement from Taiwan a few days ago that it would henceforth return to the mainland any hijacker of a civilian airliner.
The European Union trade chief, Pascal Lamy, issued a statement welcoming the move as a "first, important, indeed necessary, step" in starting the trade round.
Bishop Fellay had previously issued a statement welcoming the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope.