For Mr. Locke, it was a logical decision, part of his political evolution as he reached beyond his base of support to a statewide electorate less familiar with him.
For example, in reviewing the political benefits, the Mayor's advisers noted that Catholics make up over 40 percent of the statewide electorate and have helped elect a number of Roman Catholics to statewide office.
Paying for the construction of the plaza was a major problem, since a bond issue for an Albany project would almost certainly have been disapproved by the statewide electorate.
At each election, voters choose half of the 22 upper house members, each of whom serve eight-year terms in a single statewide electorate.
Rarick did not warm to rural voters, and his strict constitutionalist views did not appeal to many in the statewide electorate.
For 16 years, the Hispanic voters of South Florida, who make up about 7 percent of the statewide electorate, have been steadfast allies of Republican Presidential candidates.
Monday's decision held that the punch-card voting system used in six California counties that represent 44 percent of the statewide electorate could be expected to produce a large and disproportionate number of uncountable votes.
But women make up just over half of the total statewide electorate, and among Republican women, Mr. Checchi attracts more support in the polls than Ms. Harman.
Vote Due on Sunday Racing The bill also allowed the voters of Hot Springs, rather than the more conservative statewide electorate, to decide this spring whether to allow Sunday racing.
Then, speaking to a statewide electorate, he appended his exhortation that young, unmarried people not become parents by promising - twice in a row, for emphasis - that the babies would nonetheless be loved in Texas.