A cottage industry has come to dominate signature collection on statewide issues throughout much of the nation.
In the 1990's, the big statewide issue was schools - who should pay for them, and with what tax revenue.
Among the several findings in the report, some later became important statewide issues, including state highway funding.
Radio, television and newspaper reports made the cancer cases a statewide issue.
She said her group intends to shed a light on statewide issues.
They are conducted four times a year on statewide issues like the pension bond issue or an election race.
In 2009, the California Watch team began creating reports on statewide issues.
Contrast that with the artists, who quickly went to work making their financing a statewide issue.
While the "super teams" haven't become a statewide issue yet, officials have already noticed a rash of moves this year to a few schools.
This issue was the only statewide issue on the 1998 ballot.