Nearly every police department at a recent statewide meeting in California reported being at least 10 percent short of the officers it needed.
Republicans are going ahead with plans to hold a statewide meeting on May 11 to complete the selection of a nominee.
A statewide meeting in Raleigh with Dudley its chairman demanded a state-supported railroad system.
Naylor began informal meetings of the group, holding the first statewide meeting in October 2003.
"Everywhere I went, whether it was a local or statewide meeting, people were asking me about them," Dr. Agrella said.
The shooting death, which came one day before a statewide meeting here on gun-control legislation, prompted outrage from city officials, including Bridgeport's Mayor.
Staff are also able to assume special initiatives and projects and to participate in national, regional and statewide meetings and conferences.
The organization conducts statewide meetings and its local chapters have regular meetings and field trips.
She said she intends to convene a statewide meeting of superintendents to come up with strategies for strengthening school programs.
And, every Friday a special report is published of statewide and regulatory meetings and summaries of any current attorney general opinions.