The bills establish a statewide policy that will make it easier for people without criminal records to carry concealed firearms.
Mr. Johnson said his purpose in sponsoring the bills was to create a consistent statewide policy on firearms.
New York, Mr. Mallach said, does not have a statewide policy.
The conservancy is also encouraging the state to implement five statewide policies.
Other restaurant owners said they would like either a local or statewide policy, just so they wouldn't have to settle disputes between smokers and non-smokers.
Most but not all of these cities and counties are located in states that have a statewide non-discrimination policy for sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
The legislation is believed to be the first in the nation to establish consistent statewide policies on such "date rape."
Such cases have relied on an individual judge's approval, because statewide policy has not been established.
The Colorado law amounts to an aggressive statewide policy to allow discrimination and block attempts to mitigate it.
"And I can't imagine the state approving it, because it's a statewide policy that needs uniform regulation throughout the state."