The antismoking groups have focused on regulating smoking at the local level because Philip Morris, a prominent player in Albany, has blocked tougher statewide restrictions in recent years.
The opinion goes on to say that a future statewide restriction on cell-phone use by drivers would supersede any existing local laws.
The town had planned to lift its local ban, but the announcement of the statewide restrictions dashed those plans.
Both would impose statewide restrictions on smoking in public spaces and workplaces.
According to a recent study, smoking in California has dropped 30 percent since 1988, when the first statewide restrictions went into effect, compared with a 10 percent drop nationwide.
But the statewide restrictions would not affect New York City or other localities where stringent smoking restrictions are already in effect.
Lee Stitzenberger, campaign director for the coalition, and Ellen Merlo, a vice president of Philip Morris, said the proposal would establish tough statewide restrictions.
With Connecticut considering a statewide restriction on hand-held phones, wireless companies are weighing in on the debate.
New Jersey ordered statewide restrictions on water use two weeks ago.