The statewide total for milk production in 1987 was 11.4 billion pounds, about 5.5 billion quarts, 3 percent less than in 1986, the service said.
About 25,000 people in Sacramento County have voted by absentee ballot, and the statewide total is more than 420,000.
There are 1.7 million people in the metropolitan area, more than half the statewide total, 475,000 of them within the city limits.
Some cases were settled and some were dropped, but 56,000 disputes escalated into court appeals - 83 percent of the statewide total.
If some counties fail to meet the Dec. 12 deadline, can partial counts be included in statewide totals?
Dan Hardin, the water board's resource planning director, said water use for fracking was not expected to exceed 2 percent of the statewide total.
In addition to statewide totals, the paper plans spreadsheets with results from 249 precincts in four counties.
During 1986, some $5 billion in assets, out of a statewide total of $73.4 billion, was involved in mergers.
So the hypothetical statewide total: a $24-million-a-month loss to the government.
Since absentee ballots are distributed on the county level, statewide totals are not available.