This station has indeed brought much convenience to the students at the polytechnic.
The station brings in extra money through show sponsorship so it can continue to grow and to run events around Wellington.
The station even brought back select songs from the 1950s and early 1960s, playing them about once every 90 minutes.
These two stations brought the total (in each direction) up to 26.
The station, with a staff whose average age is 23, has brought a certain edge to an ancient language.
The station brought development to the surrounding area, the population of which rose from 6,000 in 1840 to 168,000 by 1910.
You saved the station from the catastrophe that you yourself brought about.
My message to Ben Cooper would be: you have got the job, now bring the station into line.
The station was not a financial success and never brought a large income to managers.
The probable damage is huge compared to the economic benefit that nuclear stations can bring to the energy problem.