Trenchard-Smith worked at Channel Ten as an editor, doing news, documentaries and station promos.
"Chase This Light" has been used on station promos for TNT.
Other days he stays home writing monologues, station promos and questions.
On Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya, two satellite networks, images of the prisoners appear in station promos.
In Atlanta, through the early 1990s, station promos and digital on-screen graphics referred to the station as "TBS 17".
It did not actually go off-the-air; rather, it simply showed station promos.
"Proud to be Independent" (2002-2006; used in station promos)
Essentially, it was a framebuffer packaged with innovative user software, and it rapidly found applications in news, weather, station promos, commercials, and the like.
This new identity was implemented in all station promos, and used by all on air talent.
Knapp made a station promo explaining the situation between the three stations.