Since 1991, the station has supplied the Villanova community with a varied program of music, news, sports, public affairs, and specialty programming.
Fourteen stations will be set up surrounding the Meer for fishing, with rods and bait supplied.
The station provides refuge in bad weather (no tourist accommodation though), and has a well supplied cafeteria offering hot meals.
The station also supplied the nearby brickworks with its coal, 23,000 tons in 1898, chiefly from Yorkshire.
Since 1994 the station has supplied parts of its weekend broadcasts to the satellite network, available for other community radio stations to relay.
During a live six-hour transmission day, the station supplied a mix of light music, comedy, news, and sports reporting.
Without the resources which stations like Com-Mine supplied, no government could maintain itself in office.
This station supplied the Dutch population with information from the free world.
By 1937 the station supplied a maximum load of 101,800 kW of electricity.
The station also provided the remote facilities and supplied video and audio for all three major networks.