According to 2012 statistical estimates, women account for 50.8% of Ethiopia's total population of 93.8 million people.
These increases may also be affected by the degree of uncertainty inherent in statistical estimates.
In the late 18th century, first statistical estimates of Commonwealth population appeared.
Many of its articles are quantitative, often following the formal approaches that have been called cliometrics or the new economic history to make statistical estimates.
In practical cases, the distribution and target are unknown; statistical estimates are used.
Even when statistical estimates are available, in many cases risk is associated with rare failures of some kind, and data may be sparse.
Due to some uncertainty inherent in statistical estimates, the estimated data for the most recent year is always the least stable.
No statistical estimates are possible for some of the parameters, where only one example is known.
As a comparison group subjects were asked to fabricate statistical estimates.
Since these are statistical estimates, they contain error, including sampling, nonsampling, and model errors.