There is only a 1 percent chance that system errors and statistical fluctuations could produce our data, and that's not very likely.
Since sample sizes of this group are always small, the critics say, they give way to large statistical fluctuations.
The goal is to understand the statistical fluctuations.
However, this is all very tentative because those areas could be artifacts of the way you do the experiment or process the data, or statistical fluctuations?
It appears to be still within two standard deviations of the expected ratio so could well just be a statistical fluctuation.
It's merely a statistical fluctuation in the particle density.
One and two sigma results are unreliable because they come and go with statistical fluctuations in the data.
In recent years, the number of major earthquakes per year has decreased, though this is probably a statistical fluctuation rather than a systematic trend.
You should do each experiment 20-50 times to be sure you are not seeing some statistical fluctuations, rather than an actual effect.
Thus, includes all quantum and statistical fluctuations with momenta .