The more individuals studied, the easier it becomes to detect distinct clusters (statistical noise is reduced).
And the search for clutch hitters involves not just one comparison that compounds the statistical noise.
Picking a gravitational signal out of that curve would require a large data set to help cut down on the statistical noise.
Some have been recalibrated by Miekka to reduce statistical noise and make the indicator a more reliable predictor of a future decline.
Journalists tend to find imaginary patterns in statistical noise, which we've covered many times before.
Different economic indicators have pointed in opposite directions before, of course, but something other than the usual short-term statistical noise is at work here.
Ensemble averaging is often used to reduce the statistical noise further.
Labor Department officials emphasized yesterday that the decline in both payrolls and the unemployment rate were extremely small and could have resulted from "statistical noise."
Therefore, it is very unlikely (but not impossible) that it was merely the product of statistical noise.
Unemployment is rising - or is that statistical noise?