The Government has offered conflicting statistical portraits of the drought's impact.
Those figures may suggest a statistical portrait of Dorian Gray in reverse.
The public perception of multi-trailer vehicles is clearer than the statistical portrait.
The report provides a statistical portrait showing how women's lives are changing in five critical areas:
What follows is a statistical portrait of the typical American in the early 1990's.
It claims to be "a comprehensive statistical portrait of our moral, social and cultural condition."
Most waited in vain to be included in what was billed as the country's first reliable statistical portrait.
The study, released yesterday by the Education Department, presented a bleak statistical portrait of the nation's literacy.
But not until this week did city officials get a statistical portrait showing the extent of the disparity.
Nevertheless, both were able to paint a statistical portrait of a state that they say operates in many areas beneath already dismal national norms.