It was the unit that ended last season with one of the best statistical rankings of any group of players on the Jets.
Neither has the money nor the numbers that find him tied for the top spot in the overall statistical rankings.
"Those who argue that the only fair method is a statistical ranking of applicants' academic records miss an important point," Mr. Adams said.
But if the two team's statistical rankings are any indication, the game might prove closer than some would think.
The statistical rankings show why the White Sox believe the 25-year-old first baseman is worth that kind of money.
The ACC requires that a player play in 75% of his team's games to be qualified for statistical rankings.
As Australia won the series convincingly 4-0, it is not surprising that their players dominated the statistical rankings.
Boras, speaking before the annual statistical rankings were released, signaled his intentions for Williams by making various points, but one in particular stood out.
In statistical rankings, the rounding of percentages and/or averages may indicate ties where none exist.
Finally, statistical rankings generally cover profit-related data such as profits per partner and revenue per lawyer.