The other was a type of statistical review of other studies known as a meta-analysis.
But most of that is so far un-tapped, with Canada accounting for little over 4% of global oil production in 2010 according to BP's annual statistical review.
However a statistical review across continents and for the Baha'is world population shows a general upward track of women being elected to national assemblies (see graphs.)
In other words, Elias, which did not begin publishing its annual statistical reviews until 1985, is doing for the 1969 Mets what it does for every 1988 team.
The arbitrators based their finding of discrimination on 28 hours of testimony about a statistical review of Merrill's hiring, promotion and pay practices.
The reports may take many forms including policy analysis, economic studies, statistical reviews, and legal analyses.
A 1998 statistical review by the FAO showed that 32 developing countries were relied on a single commodity for more than half of their agricultural export earnings.
The design brief for an employee magazine is quite different from that for an annual report, or a newspaper from a statistical review.
The second new study was a statistical review known as a meta-analysis carried out by researchers at the University of Oxford in England.
Recently, Alliance completed a statistical review of the effect on stock performance of carrying large amounts of anticipated revenue on a company's balance sheet.