It provides a contemporary statistical snapshot of certain key areas of American life, including crime, violence in the schools and young people's loss of confidence in the future.
The 24-page report, Clubs in Town and Country, offers a series of statistical snapshots of club operations for the fiscal year that ended June 30.
The Government's study provided statistical snapshots of large increases in commuting - most of it by car - between most suburbs.
The program provided statistical snapshots of the runners, including their occupations.
A statistical snapshot.
Last year, the social work staff there took a statistical snapshot of the admitted patient population on one day, Dec. 3.
In many respects, the six are a statistical snapshot of poor and working-class students in the city.
The next statistical snapshot of the welfare rolls is due out early next month.
Mr. Harris's statistical snapshot of America is quite different from the picture offered by some conservative groups.
A statistical "snapshot" of selected economic, social, and demographic data for California and its 58 counties.