The analysis resulting from such a large data set (8.4 crore enrollments) is empirically repeatable and statistically accurate.
Professor Fuchs says he can state with 95 per cent assurance that it is a statistically accurate conclusion.
The tests are intended to provide a statistically accurate measure of drinking-water contamination nationwide, an agency spokesman, Al Heier, said.
He said he would like to place trained counters at some stations to create statistically accurate samples, from which reliable estimates could then be derived.
While such lists might come close to providing a statistically accurate cross-section of Americans today, this assumption was manifestly incorrect in the 1930s.
Indeed, the sample size in many polls is not sufficient to give a statistically accurate prediction in individual ridings, and hence the expected number of seats.
Clear Channel says it stopped buying ratings information because it is expensive and not statistically accurate for a market as small as Minot's.
In order to optimize your experience and provide statistically accurate data about how you use our web site, we use web measurement and customization technologies.
In order to optimize your experience and provide statistically accurate data about use of our web-site, the technologies we describe above are enabled by default.
To be statistically accurate, the property in the sample should reflect the population as a whole.