For most media, this is measured statistically, via surveys, because statistical estimates are an even cheaper way to record tiny transactions.
The risk of H.I.V. infection by individuals engaging in a basketball game is so low that it cannot be statistically measured.
Because in sports we discover a dramatic metaphor for our desire to move into new terrain and reach goals that can be statistically measured?
By everything that can be statistically measured, Marbury's season has been spectacular.
Spearman, a statistician, was the first person to propose that intelligence could be measured statistically.
Measured statistically, Westchester has it good.
Measured statistically, the changes in the welfare system to date are small.
But even if no one is talking, their distraction can be statistically measured.
Each saw willingness to play with the ball in hand and gave value for money, demonstrating that the attractiveness cannot be measured statistically.
Native Americans participation cannot be statistically measured.