The following statistics demonstrate the increase in consumer interest in retail clinics.
The statistics demonstrated that the rate of growth of internet access is much higher in countries with very low incomes.
How might statistics demonstrate that there could be laws in history?
This statistics demonstrates how the Native American population is concentrated into few general areas.
But other statistics demonstrate that the pattern of legality does not reflect how women in those societies choose to act.
If you need statistics to demonstrate an effect, they argue, it may not be real, and anyhow cannot be important.
These statistics demonstrate that significant improvements in the health and life expectation of population groups can occur within decades.
The state's statistics also demonstrate why the Catholic schools have become so dependent on the enrollment of minority students.
Your statistics demonstrate the problem's magnitude, but what underlies them is even more desperate.
Instead, he says, the statistics demonstrate clearly that while the very fat are getting fatter, thinner people have remained pretty much the same.