At lower status levels, the term Kunbi was applied to those who tilled the land.
A teacher is status level 21, Chairman Mao was level three.
For example, Javanese has three different words for "house" depending on the status level of the person spoken to.
As was true in all human society, status levels had formed based on such factors as occupation, income and personal character.
The highest status level was that of the 'mistress'- a more permanent relationship.
You need to fly at least 75,000 miles in a year to achieve the highest elite status levels on most airlines.
The writer's research suggests that in some cases arts advisers' posts have been replaced by positions at the lower status level of 'professional development teacher'.
The table below indicates the maximum number of points that may be held by a crew at each status level.
Some items and weapons require certain status levels to use it.
Whether they do it by name or by status level or whatever else, really doesn't matter.