The best way to guarantee permanent budget restraint, and thereby ensure further tax cuts, is through a formal, statutory cap on state spending.
It would be unwise and risky to limit taxes through a constitutional amendment or some arbitrary statutory cap.
Failure to adjust the statutory cap for inflation might be considered an abuse of discretion.
Republican leaders have already said that their plan will contain no income tax and will feature some constitutional or statutory cap on state spending.
Note that if you are made to pay such an aware, there is no statutory cap on a week's pay.
Note that for such awards, there is no statutory cap on a week's pay.
Unfair dismissal compensation is subject to a statutory cap set at £60600 from Feb 2006.
There is a statutory cap of 4 percent on planning and administrative expenses for funds made available under these programs.
The maximum level of compensation is eight weeks' pay - although there is a statutory cap on the amount of a week's pay.