This exploratory research report examines the guidelines' "substantial assistance" policy statement in light of the guidelines' overall statutory goal of fair and honest sentencing.
The statutory goals of the museum are the promotion of scientific research and education, the care of scientific collections and hosting scientific meetings.
It will comply with the terms of the agreement reached last November and will show a deficit no greater than the statutory goal of $136 billion, Mr. Miller said.
Congress designated a specific set of rights and guarantees for H-2A workers, including workers compensation, housing, and other benefits to ensure that these statutory goals were met.
FOR 50 years, the Federal Reserve's statutory goals have been maximum employment with minimum inflation.
The NMB's integrated processes specifically are designed to promote three statutory goals:
Increase small business participation in Federal Government contracting to meet the statutory goals and reduce participation by ineligible firms.
For example, here is a sampling of the statutory goals established by federal executive agencies:
The federal government has the following statutory goals for small business procurement:
Both figures are well above the statutory goal of $136 billion.