In addition, we cited, perhaps for obvious reasons, the statute from Texas, which provided statutory guidelines for defining that.
There are no statutory guidelines on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
The other is that a special relationship with the library approved by every previous chairman is now deemed contrary to statutory "guidelines."
Apart from that, there are no clear statutory guidelines.
These range from leaflets and posters to statutory and practice guidelines.
Monitoring employees in accordance with statutory guidelines is usually undertaken 'offsite' at local hospitals or clinics or 'onsite' by occupational health professionals within the organization or by external subcontractors.
In investing the FRS Pension Plan assets, the SBA follows statutory guidelines and a substantial body of internal policies and procedures.
But there are statutory guidelines to be followed.
Derecognition must be accomplished according to statutory guidelines.
Machelle Sexton was a long way from meeting the statutory guidelines of neglect, dependency, or abuse.