The Almohads did not want any trace of religious monuments built by the Almoravids, their staunch enemies, as they considered them heretics.
There are many instances where the Prophet forgave even his staunchest enemies.
As a result, Pardek has become a staunch enemy both of the Federation and of his own Empire's intelligence service.
Tamara is one of his staunchest enemies.
Lincoln was always a staunch enemy of the trade, Clinton nodded.
They were staunch enemies of the Mokrī princes.
Some staunch enemies of Iran's Government agree.
Surprisingly the majority say that they are behind the plans, even some of Ricasso's most staunch enemies.
Even Mr. Hussein's staunchest enemies expressed a sense of bitterness at the end.
Besides being Santa Anna's staunch enemy, Zavala had his own vested interests in the province.