Despite Selig's staunch stance, contraction for the 2002 season grows less likely with each passing day.
Flaherty also emerged as a social conservative in this campaign, particularly a staunch stance against abortion and his association with pro-life groups.
Shortly following his election he declared his staunch stance against any proposed relocation of the club to the Gold Coast or elsewhere.
An adherent of the notion of building a 'third force' in French politics, he retained a staunch anti-Gaullist stance.
Berlusconi is also known for his staunch pro-Israel stance.
Within Lebanon, Sami is known for his staunch far right-wing stances.
California politicians to get more votes, strongly advertised himself as a staunch anti-China stance.
Some designers may find the British nobility's staunch antifashion stance refreshing.
Conservative Christians support his staunch anti-abortion stance, including his sponsorship of the bill banning the procedure that opponents call partial-birth abortion.
It is known for its staunch left-liberal stance on domestic and foreign issues.