Chris stayed with him for a while before joining the New Warriors.
He stayed in that job for one season before joining the Hall of Fame as the second director in its history.
Until 1924, he stayed in that position, before joining the staff of the 6th Prussian Division.
There he stayed until the end of 2010 before joining Charleroi.
The coach stayed on the sideline for that game before joining his family in Texas for the funeral.
Koné stayed at the academy for five years before joining the first team squad and turning professional in 1999.
He stayed at the company for two years before joining Stagecoach Group in 1989.
He stayed for three years before joining Nantwich Town in 2005.
He stayed here for 3 years, before joining the Business Recorder in 1965.
Students usually stay in the program one semester before joining regular classes, he said.