However, he stayed with Scarborough for just one week, before leaving due to family and travelling issues.
She stayed on the show for three seasons before leaving in 2000.
"But I don't know how long I might have to stay with him before leaving."
He stayed on thereafter for a short while as the vice president of research and development, before leaving to begin building his own business.
When the young are born they stay near the entrance of the burrow for some time before leaving home.
He stayed for four years, before leaving for the west again.
Puggles will stay within their mother's den for up to a year before leaving.
Frank takes Sarah home, and she stays with him for a few months before leaving him again.
But many stay only for a scant few weeks before leaving again.
Young males stay with the family unit for one year before achieving sexual maturity and leaving to find their own burrow.